Seated Buddha
28 000,00€
Golden copper alloy
Sri Lanka
10th century, Anuradhapura period
H. 11 cm
This work depicts the Buddha seated in a meditative position, with his legs folded over each other (virasana), revealing the sole of one of his feet. The Great Man’s hands rest on his knees (dhyana mudra). Here, the Buddha is dressed in a monk’s robe called sanghati. A red jewel adorns the top of his head and finds its place among the characteristic flames that we find at this place (siraspata).
A perfect example of the Sinhalese Buddha style, this superb piece shows a perfect balance between stylization of forms and great refinement of finishes. The face is almost circular and shows the obvious will to translate individualized features. For example, the eyes are small and well marked, the nose is slightly blunt and the mouth is fleshy, which contributes to give it a very lively expression. We also admire the supple modeling of the torso as well as the very graphic geometry created by the broad and robust shoulders, the very slim waist and the angular knees.
The main subject of sacred iconography, this representation of the Blessed One is part of the exceptional production of small gilded bronzes for votive purposes or for private worship, from the end of the second Anurādhapura period (459-993).
Provenance : European private collection, (by repute).